Attack On AI Models: What You Need to Know!

27 Aug 2024 By Skyld Labs

Artificial intelligence is used in many fields, including autonomous cars and facial recognition. Every AI application has a carefully designed and trained model. But did you know that these models can be the target of malicious attacks? This article looks at the risks to AI models and how to protect them.

Understanding AI Models and Their Vulnerability

When an AI model is deployed, it is stored in a file containing all the necessary structure and parameters, enabling the model to produce the expected results.

Picture this : you’re building a house. You have a plan showing where to place each wall, window, and what material to use. In the same way, an AI model file specifies the types of neural layers, activation functions, weights and biases - all elements that determine how the model works.

But what happens if this file isn’t properly protected? Let’s continue with our example.

Now imagine that your house has no fence or security system. Any malicious person could enter, examine the interior layout, copy the plans and even steal valuable items. Similarly, an unprotected AI model file is vulnerable. It can be easily accessible to attackers, who could then extract sensitive information such as weights and biases, and use this information for unauthorized activities, such as reverse engineering.

In a previous article, we demonstrated how easy it is, in practice, to extract this type of file from an AI model : SSTIC2023 » Présentation » Your Mind is Mine: How to Automatically Steal DL Models From Android Apps - Marie Paindavoine, Maxence Despres, Mohamed Sabt

Why Protecting Your AI Models Is Important

It is crucial to safeguard your AI models in today’s competitive digital landscape. By protecting your AI model files, you can maintain your competitive edge and safeguard your intellectual property.

Failing to secure these files leaves your organization vulnerable to potential attacks.

In addition to straightforward reverse engineering, an adversary may employ more sophisticated techniques, such as adversarial examples or model inversion attacks, to exploit inherent vulnerabilities in the model. In particular, white-box attacks can be devastating, as they give the attacker a complete view of the model and its parameters.

Security Solutions

In this context, solutions like those offered by Skyld become essential.

Skyld provides a solution for securing AI models, both at rest and during execution. Our approach prevents the extraction of information about model parameters, ensuring that the crucial details needed to understand and reproduce the model remain protected.

AI model security is not an option, but a necessity for all companies seeking to maintain their market position and protect their intellectual property.

Don’t leave your “home” unprotected-make sure your AI models are secure today!